Good morning or should I say, good afternoon, because by the time I get this finished, it will be afternoon.
When I got home Sunday afternoon, and I got everything unpacked and had time to rest before I checked my email. And, I was so surprised, to find my email box, so full of comments. And, I will answer each and every email, just give me time to get though them all. And I really appreciate that y'all like my block. I, thank you !! But I hope to see some pictures coming my way of wall hangings, table runners, pillows and quilts made from the block.
I am also, glad to see that y'all have gotten your imaginations going after reading that I suggested you, use flowers you like. One lady even said she was going to use birds instead of flowers - - I am waiting to see pictures of that piece !!!!!!
But, I wrote all the names down ( really cut and pasted) and then my granddaughter pulled the names, luckily she didn't have school yesterday. And thank y'all for the comments about your gratitude for serving this country. Back on track !!!! Any way, my granddaughter pulled two names, and I did not have the heart to put the second name back in the hat.
So the WINNER for the magazine from Quiltmaker's is - - - -
Vivian - - - sweetlildaisy5566, from NC and the second name that was pulled is - Jodi - - - usairdoll, Not sure where Jodi is from. But I hope these ladies, both enjoy the magazine and will send me pictures of their finished quilt pieces. So if you read this before your email, please get in touch with me by email. .
I am still not the best on computers, but still learning when I have the time, And I promise to try to post more often. I want to try for once a week, but sometimes that will not happen espeically if I am out of town teaching someplace.
Have fun quilting and hopefully I will hear from some of y'all !!!!!
Cindy Simms Quilt Designs
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol 6 blog tour !!!
Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Tour !!!
It's has been a while, since my last post, but now that things are back on an even coast
of the roller coaster of life, things are starting to look up again.
I had another health scare , last year so did not get to submit for Vol 5, but did for Vol 6.
This time I entered one of my applique designs, and I got selected for the Vol 6 Quiltmaker's 100 blocks !!! I even finished the wall hanging in time to get it sent out to Colorado,
Hi everyone,
of the roller coaster of life, things are starting to look up again.
I had another health scare , last year so did not get to submit for Vol 5, but did for Vol 6.

and it is also in the magazine.
So on to the good things, here is my block
that I designed, and the magazine named it Heart Blossom. You will find my block on page 22 of the magazine and it is # 510. Now in the block here you will not see a flower. When you make this block, I want you the quilter, to add your favorite flower or flowers. So here is my block - -
Here is the wall hanging I made with my blocks and you will notice that I have added flowers to my blocks. On this wall hanging I only added one flower to the block, but if you want to add more flowers, then by all means do so. I like to make my patterns look complicated, but are really easy to do. You will find that the leaves are the only pattern that you need to cut out. the rest - the vine and the heart are all made by using bias tape. If you are using my pattern, you are making a piece for you or someone who is important to you, so use the colors you or they like and the flowers too. Don't be afraid to add more flowers, then are showing here.

I do hope you all will go to the web site of Quiltmakers - - here is the link - - and a link at the top of this post. And see the other artists and their blocks that are doing the blog tour.
For those who stop by my blog and leave a comment about my block and wall hanging, and along with the comment, leave their name & email address ( have to be able to reach you if your name is picked) , someone will be picked as a winner to receive a complimentary copy Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks , Vol 6. Again, I will put everyones' name in a hat on Monday, the 12 and my granddaughter will pull the winning name.
Unfortunately, I am scheduled to be out of town from Friday morning, Nov 9 until late Sunday evening, Nov 11. So I will get to read all the comments when I get back.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Life, everyday Living & Lot's of New things - -
I can't believe it has been a year since I have posted to my blog. But things like family, car problems & an car accident, along with some health problems had taken their time from my quilting and teaching.
But hopefully things are back on even ground, (fingers & toes crossed!!)
First things first, I am part of a Row Round Robin Quilt on - Patchwork Posse - web site - then follow the round black circle in the blue box, that says Patchwork Posse Round Robin. It will take you to the page with the rows published so far. Mine will be the last one, for now, I think!!!!!
I was having trouble getting onto the Patchwork Posse's Round Robing ( still can't get on) becuase I am not the best there is when it comes to computers. I get stressed out !!!! But the theme for this round robin, was "Summer Picnic" . And when I think of summer picnics, the 1st thing that pops into my mind, is the "Memorial Day" and " 4th of July " picnics, that were so very important while growing up and to all military familys world wide, they still are.
But the flag is also part of this country's and our history and what it stands for. So I was playing around with a square just drawing lines to sort of show enlisted strips and the next thing I had this block.
Then when I had the blocks made up in fabric, before sewing together for the round robin row, I started playing with the layout.
And here is what I came up with - - a block that I call - "Twisted Star " So I hope you have fun with it after you finish your "Round Robin Row Quilt ".
The first picutre shows how you can use the block as a border and the second picture shows what you can do with four (4) blocks joined together.
for the border
for when you join four (4) blocks together to form a lager block. YOu will come up with an optical illusion top . I would love to see pictures of any quilts made for my design.
But hopefully things are back on even ground, (fingers & toes crossed!!)
First things first, I am part of a Row Round Robin Quilt on - Patchwork Posse - web site - then follow the round black circle in the blue box, that says Patchwork Posse Round Robin. It will take you to the page with the rows published so far. Mine will be the last one, for now, I think!!!!!
I was having trouble getting onto the Patchwork Posse's Round Robing ( still can't get on) becuase I am not the best there is when it comes to computers. I get stressed out !!!! But the theme for this round robin, was "Summer Picnic" . And when I think of summer picnics, the 1st thing that pops into my mind, is the "Memorial Day" and " 4th of July " picnics, that were so very important while growing up and to all military familys world wide, they still are.
But the flag is also part of this country's and our history and what it stands for. So I was playing around with a square just drawing lines to sort of show enlisted strips and the next thing I had this block.
Then when I had the blocks made up in fabric, before sewing together for the round robin row, I started playing with the layout.
And here is what I came up with - - a block that I call - "Twisted Star " So I hope you have fun with it after you finish your "Round Robin Row Quilt ".
The first picutre shows how you can use the block as a border and the second picture shows what you can do with four (4) blocks joined together.
for the border

Well, all, it has taken me a little while to figure out this blog again, so I will close for now, and will post some new classes I have designed with pictures, soon.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Party Fabric Winner & Quilt Show !!!!!
Hi all,
My granddaughter pulled a name on the 1st, and TAAA DAAAAA !!! the winner of the free membership for Victoriana Quilt Designs is Jannette !!!!!
Also for y'all, be sure to visit Benita's web site all year,
she will be having more drawings and things to do. In fact, she has posted the 1st of 18 parts of the quilt - - Jacquard Quilt Plan. When you go to Benita's web site, click on the logo you see at right and it will take you to the page with all the information about the quilt.
Now off the the Quilter's Unlimited Quilt Show, starting today , June 3, 4, 5, 2011. We have over 700 quilts on display and vendors to do your shopping for those special items that you find and don't want to do without in your sewing room.
I am always a little late except when I teach!!! More on my classes later.
My granddaughter pulled a name on the 1st, and TAAA DAAAAA !!! the winner of the free membership for Victoriana Quilt Designs is Jannette !!!!!
Jannette has been told and her email has been
forward over to Benita to take care of
giving Jannette the year's membership. Also for y'all, be sure to visit Benita's web site all year,
she will be having more drawings and things to do. In fact, she has posted the 1st of 18 parts of the quilt - - Jacquard Quilt Plan. When you go to Benita's web site, click on the logo you see at right and it will take you to the page with all the information about the quilt.
Now off the the Quilter's Unlimited Quilt Show, starting today , June 3, 4, 5, 2011. We have over 700 quilts on display and vendors to do your shopping for those special items that you find and don't want to do without in your sewing room.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Honoring our Military
Hi All,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I spent time remembering all the family members on both sides of the families who served in the military down to and including both myself (oldest) and my brother (youngest). I had uncles on both Mom's and Dad's side that served if only their 3 or 4 years, and then I also had other uncles that went to be "Lifers" as the military calls them.
My husband's father also served his time in the military.
My husband hadn't planned to join but Vietnam
happened so, he served his time. He came
stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland.
My husband spent his time of 27 years in the U S
While we were stationed in Okinawa, in the mid 80's the Statue of Liberty was having a birthday of sorts. A museum in NYC, had a quilting contest in celebration. I designed my quilt to include the branches of the military on Okinawa and also used a design to represent the Native American hertiage we both have and also for those who served in the military.
I cam in as one of the 104 semi - finalist
world-wide, with my quilt. But I did not make it
into the 52 finalist - that were the final winners.
But I consider myself very fortunate, to be in the semi-finalist group. The quilt also serves as rembernace for all our family members who ere in the military.
And we are approaching the deadline of I June for comments and to win a free member ship for Benita's web site - -
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I spent time remembering all the family members on both sides of the families who served in the military down to and including both myself (oldest) and my brother (youngest). I had uncles on both Mom's and Dad's side that served if only their 3 or 4 years, and then I also had other uncles that went to be "Lifers" as the military calls them.
My husband's father also served his time in the military.
My husband hadn't planned to join but Vietnam
happened so, he served his time. He came
stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland.
My husband spent his time of 27 years in the U S
While we were stationed in Okinawa, in the mid 80's the Statue of Liberty was having a birthday of sorts. A museum in NYC, had a quilting contest in celebration. I designed my quilt to include the branches of the military on Okinawa and also used a design to represent the Native American hertiage we both have and also for those who served in the military.
I cam in as one of the 104 semi - finalist
world-wide, with my quilt. But I did not make it
into the 52 finalist - that were the final winners.
But I consider myself very fortunate, to be in the semi-finalist group. The quilt also serves as rembernace for all our family members who ere in the military.
And we are approaching the deadline of I June for comments and to win a free member ship for Benita's web site - -
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Fabric Party Celebratation !!!!!
Hi y'all,
I promised that there would be abig announcement before the 1st of June, well, here it is!!!
Victoriana Quilt Designs celebrating 10 years and she is having a
Best wishes on winning the free membership!
I promised that there would be abig announcement before the 1st of June, well, here it is!!!
Victoriana Quilt Designs celebrating 10 years and she is having a
Benita is celebrating her 10th anniversary of
Victoriana Quilt Designs! And she has something
very special planned from June 1st to May 1st 2012
that you can participate in! That is a "Whole Year" ,
365 days of celebrating.
Benita is building a Jacquard Quilt Plan with 18 fabric
companies donating fabrics and instructions
for each row. You can help Benita, celebrate by
joining in and making a quilt, and you can also
win prizes.
Here is a link to her web site - - -
When you get to the home page, scroll down until you find the sign shown above, click
on the sign and read all about the detials.
Benita's web site is so much more then just free patterns that she offers year round, so in
celebrateation of her anniversary, Benita is offering a free membership (valued at $22.50) to her site.
For a chance to win this free membership, enter a comment for this post and your name will be entered in a drawing to be held next week on June 1, the 1st day of Benita's celebratation!!!!!!
Since my granddaughter likes drawing names so much, she gets to draw one name and I will contact that quilter for her name and address and pass it on to Benita so that she can register her for the membership.
Best wishes on winning the free membership!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Breast Cancer Awareness & QuiltArt list
Hi all,
In the years since I joined the "QuiltArt" list ( ) there have been a whole lot of time and energy put into raising funds and awareness about all types of Cancers. And there was always a large turn out of participates to make things and help raise money the best way we know how - - making Quilted items .
In the years since I joined the "QuiltArt" list ( ) there have been a whole lot of time and energy put into raising funds and awareness about all types of Cancers. And there was always a large turn out of participates to make things and help raise money the best way we know how - - making Quilted items .
Well, one of the members of the Quiltart list
asked for help in getting photos of Breast
Cancer survivors for a project she was
doing to help raise the awareness, in her
area & country of Canada. I am sorry
to say, not as many responded to
Shawna's asking for help. But she
proceeded anyway. Here is the result
of her project - - a wonderful wall
hanging -- which I am proud to
be a part of. If you would like to see
more of Shawna's work, then visit her at -
And don't forget, that I will have a big announcement a few days before the end of the month - - will give you a hint -- a friend is going
to be celebrating !!!!!!
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